Krisna Bennett, OMG, Opportunity Marketing Group

Opportunity Marketing Group, Inc.

OMG, Inc. owned by Krisna Bennett is an American woman-owned, program development and labor compliance enforcement firm based in Culver City, California. The firm is certified by LA Metro as an WBE, MBE, DBE and SBE business. OMG was founded in 1992 by Krisna's mother Jan Bennett. Krisna spent most of her adolescence learning from and watching her Mother develop and establish OMG as a leader in contract, labor and outreach compliance in the construction industry.

Under the current leadership of Ms. Krisna Bennett, OMG has continued and expanded OMG's reputation as a leader in the construction contract compliance industry. Ms. Bennett is an expert in State and Federal labor compliance, diverse business and workforce project development. Krisna has helped a multitude of government agencies and private companies develop and implement successful labor compliance, local hire and business programs throughout Los Angeles and surrounding communities.  The firm has served on LA Metro’s Labor Compliance/ Prevailing Wage Monitoring Services bench and is an approved labor compliance enforcement consulting firm for the City of Anaheim.

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Krisna Bennett, OMG, Opportunity Marketing Group

About The Founder 
Opportunity Marketing Group

Founded in 1992 by Janice Bennett, established due to her desire to help communities rebuild who had been affected by the Los Angeles riots. Janice then formed Opportunity Marketing Group-Contractor Referral Service to assist Local, Minority and disadvantaged businesses in obtaining construction and vendor/supplier contracts on Federal and State funded public works projects. 

Janice understood that if Minority and Local businesses were given an opportunity to contracts, then Local and Disadvantaged workers would also be given an opportunity for employment. 

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